Well, technically this day started on Day 7. In order to make it to Cedar City in time for afternoon meetings, I thought it prudent to get some more miles in. So after the event at Utah Tech University, I rode out of St. George, up Highway 18.

Pete found us a place to camp. Being sleepy and fatigued, we contemplated putting up the tent… Alright, we’ll do it. Thank goodness, because it starting raining very soon after the rain fly was on. We awoke to rain, today is going to be an adventure.

I was to meet Bob Inglis and Tom Moyer in Enterprise. There was no weather hesitation on Bob or Tom’s part, and so we were off. We made it to Cedar City, just in time for our next meeting at the Rotary Club.

The meetings that day made us aware of how much is happening with renewable energy in Iron County, such as the Three Cedars Solar Project.

We ended the evening with pizza and beverages. What a day…
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